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This target U-19 opponent PSS Sleman

Teams facing foster children are Indra Sjafri PSS Sleman Maguwoharjo Stadium , Tuesday ( 03/02/2014 ) at 20:00 pm SCTV broadcast live .This match is the beginning of a series of tours that will be undertaken archipelago U- 19 national team in the coming months . Indra says Nevertheless , the team won asuhanya not targeted in the trial against First Division champions Indonesia Super League ( IPL ) this 2013 ." Every trial has a target and it is not a matter of victory or defeat . Importantly , the test targets can be achieved . We will play well and can control the ball that's what we want to achieve , " said Indra to Liputan6.com .Yes , the coach from the West Sumatra cs Dimas Evan wants to apply the things they have learned during training camp , ketimbangan win the game . Indra therefore not too worried about the score at the end of the match .Indra is likely to try the whole penggawanya now numbering 29 players . Including frameworks such as the first team goalkeeper Ravi Murdianto , right back Putu Gede Between June , Zulfinadi midfielder , playmaker and striker Muchlis Dimas Evan Ning Syaifulloh Hadi .PSS While in camp , the squad will still lose this match his best despite only limited trials . In addition , PSS Sartono Anwar coach reportedly will bring seven young players to show ability in front of Indra ."We used to those areas to search for players . Tour through the archipelago , but this we will also monitor players who are still in the age of the club. Was that we asked for . Sartono We 've spoken to Anwar players born in October 1995 in order to be played , the same concept is blusukan rich but more modern , "said Indra . ( lul )

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