Good news comes less than a boyband Coboy Junior or CJR . Although not yet know for sure , there is news of one of the boyband personnel immediately resign .
As a producer CJR , join Ipank comment on the news . " It is still under process , but we still get in the recording process , really. If the why - napa , there must be perscon , really. Now there is no coordination of the manager and producer , " said Ipank when found in SCBD , Jakarta, Friday , January 24, 2014 .
According to Indra , naturally, if there is news like that . Indra think of it as a trial for the CJR personnel . "It's called a rumor , there is aja , naek leaves his name again , certainly nothing to shake , " he said . ( Read : Coboy Junior 's Posing in Semarang to Eat )
Indra ensure CJR is still complete with personnel Iqbaal , Kiki , Bastian , and Aldi . Indra was actually revealed CJR project involved the manufacture of single, a duet with her .
Planned , the duet will be included in the new album Ipank . " I'm going to make a duet together their new song ( CJR ) , " he revealed . More Indra said the duet song will be released on 29 February.
As a producer CJR , join Ipank comment on the news . " It is still under process , but we still get in the recording process , really. If the why - napa , there must be perscon , really. Now there is no coordination of the manager and producer , " said Ipank when found in SCBD , Jakarta, Friday , January 24, 2014 .
According to Indra , naturally, if there is news like that . Indra think of it as a trial for the CJR personnel . "It's called a rumor , there is aja , naek leaves his name again , certainly nothing to shake , " he said . ( Read : Coboy Junior 's Posing in Semarang to Eat )
Indra ensure CJR is still complete with personnel Iqbaal , Kiki , Bastian , and Aldi . Indra was actually revealed CJR project involved the manufacture of single, a duet with her .
Planned , the duet will be included in the new album Ipank . " I'm going to make a duet together their new song ( CJR ) , " he revealed . More Indra said the duet song will be released on 29 February.