There are unique on the display the Google search engine today. Posts GOOGLE hidden behind a picture of the castle .
Apparently, after the click , it is a picture of the castle that inspired the work Eugne Viollet - le - Duc . Yes , today is the anniversary of the architect who is eager to restoration of medieval buildings .
Eugne Emmanuel Viollet - le - Duc was born on January 27, 1814 in France . During his life , he was a famous architect and theorist whose work smelling thick Gothic .
Several historic buildings were never rescued include churches like Basilica of St. . Mary Magdalene in Vzelay , St . Clamecy Martin , Notre - Dame in Paris , Sainte - Chapelle in Paris ( with the help of Flix Duban ) , and many more . In addition , he has also been doing restoration at the town hall Saint - Antonin - Noble - Val and Narbonne and the ancient castle at many places .
One of his controversial is the restoration of the castle Chteau de Pierrefonds . The rebuilding of the castle is considered not reflect the existing historical situation accurately .
Apparently, after the click , it is a picture of the castle that inspired the work Eugne Viollet - le - Duc . Yes , today is the anniversary of the architect who is eager to restoration of medieval buildings .
Eugne Emmanuel Viollet - le - Duc was born on January 27, 1814 in France . During his life , he was a famous architect and theorist whose work smelling thick Gothic .
Several historic buildings were never rescued include churches like Basilica of St. . Mary Magdalene in Vzelay , St . Clamecy Martin , Notre - Dame in Paris , Sainte - Chapelle in Paris ( with the help of Flix Duban ) , and many more . In addition , he has also been doing restoration at the town hall Saint - Antonin - Noble - Val and Narbonne and the ancient castle at many places .
One of his controversial is the restoration of the castle Chteau de Pierrefonds . The rebuilding of the castle is considered not reflect the existing historical situation accurately .